Looking for a place to host your event?


Looking for the perfect spot to host your next event? Riverview Hotel, nestled at the beautiful Tarwin Lower’s enchanting river, is your go-to destination! We’ve got specially crafted packages to suit every kind of event and function. Picture a laid-back atmosphere, mouthwatering food, and customer service that’s simply unmatched. Excited to make your next gathering unforgettable!

Find our packages below & book an appointment with our Events Manager to discuss further.

    Opening Hours
    Monday11 - Late
    Tuesday11 - Late
    Wednesday11 - Late
    Thursday11 - Late
    Friday11 - Late
    Saturday11 - Late
    Sunday11 - Late
    Courtesy BusAlways Available
    Live MusicFriday & Saturday Nights and Sunday Arvo
    TABYes we do have Digital TAB
    Our Location